Welcome Back for the 2023-24 School Year!
Dear Pelham Families,
I hope you enjoyed the Labor Day weekend and are feeling refreshed as we begin a new school year. On Wednesday September 6 we welcomed our faculty and staff back for two Superintendent’s Conference Days full of professional learning and preparation opportunities for what promises to be a dynamic and inspiring school year. To that end, we were extremely excited to welcome our students with open arms on September 7.
The beginning of each year offers an opportunity to welcome and acclimate our new staff members and I am already impressed with the talent of this newest cohort of Pelham educators. Additionally, it is a tradition to honor those staff members who have reached significant career milestones in service to our District. Please join me in congratulating the following teachers who have completed 25 years of service: Claire Cavalli – Elementary Teacher, Jacy Gerhardt – Elementary Teacher, Dexter Jackson – Middle School Teacher, Alyssha Miro – Elementary Teacher, John Plunkett – Middle School/High School Physical Education Teacher, and Jenny Polsky – Elementary Teacher.
Please also join me in congratulating Middle School Teacher Daniel Friel and Elementary Teacher Linda O’Meara on reaching 30 incredible years serving our students.
In the coming year we look forward to rolling out several new communications initiatives based on recommendations from our recent Communications Audit. In the coming weeks, we will share the results of the audit and additional information about our communications plans for the future. On that front, we are very excited to share that the District will be launching ParentSquare as a new communications tool later this fall. Please watch for information about how this tool will be implemented in the weeks ahead.
Additionally, please remember to access the “Whom Should I Ask?” portion of our website to identify which staff member is the best starting point to help answer questions and resolve various issues that may arise throughout the year. Teachers, counselors, and building administrators are almost always the first line of support for students as well as parents. We welcome those conversations and look forward to building strong home – school partnerships in service and support of our students.
On behalf of the Pelham Public Schools faculty and staff, welcome back to school. We look forward to partnering with you on a productive, joy filled and exciting year ahead.
Cheryl H. Champ, Ed. D.
Superintendent of Schools