Julia Loughman
How to Avoid Being a Victim of the Sexual Assault Red Zone
Research has revealed that the time period between the first day of college and Thanksgiving break is when more than 50% of sexual assaults occur. On May 29th, PMHS alums returned to their alma mater and shared with the graduating seniors crucial information from their real life experience of college life to avoid this tragedy. It was a huge success.
Known for its visionary programs to help teens navigate through crucial issues in life, Project Community with the assistance of The Pelham Civics and the PMHS Counselling Department combined their talent and time to create this significant presentation and workshop. Julia Loughman, a 2019 Pelham Alumnae, who completed her bachelor’s degree in Community Health at Tufts University, is now working towards a Master’s degree in Public Health (MPH) from the Tufts University School of Medicine.
As part of her MPH practicum, Julia worked with Project Community, to help bring their programs to the high school. – such as How to Avoid Sexual Assault. Julia hopes that her MPH coursework and previous experience as a student at PMHS allows her to make an impact on the current student body.
Project Community is Pelham’s only volunteer organization that is spearheaded by expert healthcare professionals. Creators of Pelham’s popular COLOR RUN, it is dedicated to support family life by providing insights and answers with six innovative and essential programs and workshops: For teens, the issues deal with Binge Drinking, Sexual Assault, Anxiety, and Self Awareness. For the mentally and physically challenged, there’s Project CHILDD and YOU&ME. For more information on Project Community, and on how you can support its mission visit projectcommunity.us