Court of Honor for Eagle Scout Luke Reische
Luke Reische was honored by Troop 1 Pelham for the achievement of Eagle Scout, the highest rank attainable of the Boy Scouts of America organization. Since its inception in 1911, only four percent of Scouts have earned this rank under a lengthy review process. The Court of Honor to celebrate the momentous achievement was held on May 4th at Christ Church in Pelham. In addition to a variety of guests in attendance, Luke was honored by eight local officials and community leaders including: NYS Assemblywoman Amy Paulin, Town of Pelham Supervisor Dan McLaughlin, Village of Pelham Mayor Chance Mullen, Board of Trustees Pelham Manor Maurice Owen-Michaane, American Legion Past Commander Joe Durnin, BSA Greater Hudson Valley Councilmember Tom Cascione, Rosemarie Cornacchio from the Elks Lodge Southern Westchester and Deputy Inspector Michael Koubek of the Suffolk County Police.
Requirements for Eagle Scout are numerous. The Scout must earn at least 21 Merit Badges, complete an extensive Service Project that the Scout plans, organizes, leads and manages. Luke’s project was the restoration of an outdoor trail and clearing on the property of Christ Church in Pelham. According to Luke, “The clearing is a quiet and serene place for anyone to enjoy a still moment in time away from the chaos of modern life, we must preserve our wilderness so that future generations may follow in our footsteps by learning from nature. After all, I have found no better teacher.”
Founded in 1916, Troop 1 BSA is the local Pelham and surrounding area chapter of the Boy Scouts of America. They serve scouts from all over Westchester and surrounding counties. For over 100 years they have provided leadership training, outdoor education, and service opportunities for children from 6th grade until age 18.