The Village of Pelham Welcomes New Firefighter Shane Macdonald and the Village Adopts the Pro Housing Community Pledge
By Joyce Farrell
A new firefighter, Shane Macdonald, was sworn in by Chance Mullen, Mayor of the Village of Pelham, at the beginning of the Village’s Board of Trustees meeting.
Trustee Kim McGreal then announced that the Village of Pelham Council on the Arts will have an outdoor movie night on October 19. The Council is partnering with the Chamber of Commerce and the Picture House on this event.
Regarding safety issues around the schools, Trustee Russell Solomon reported that school drop-offs appeared to have improved a bit, that the education campaign has started, and that October is Pedestrian Safety Awareness Month.
In the Administrator’s Report, Administrator Chris Scelza stated there’s an item on the Village’s website about letters going out from Sustainable Westchester regarding the new contract for the Westchester Power Community Energy Program which starts on November 1.
In the Mayor’s Report, Mayor Mullen mentioned that at the beginning of September, he met with RuthAnne Visnauskas, Commissioner/CEO of NYS Homes and Community Renewal, for an update on New York State’s Pro Housing initiative. Mayor Mullen learned that so far only 160 communities have adopted the Pro Housing Pledge. Those who have taken the time to do so are in a better position regarding grants.
In order to take positive steps to alleviate the housing crisis, which negatively impacts the future of New York State’s economic growth and community well-being, the Board agreed to adopt the Pro-Housing Communities Pledge and will endeavor to take several important steps to achieve the pledge’s goal. These include streamlining permitting for multifamily housing, affordable housing, accessible housing, accessory dwelling units, and supporting housing; enacting policies that encourage the housing development of a broad range of housing development, including the aforementioned types of housing; adopting policies that affirmatively further fair housing; incorporating regional housing needs into planning decisions; and increasing the development capacity for residential uses.
The Board also adopted a resolution to amend the Village Code to Add Outdoor Recreation Facility as a Use Requiring a Special Permit in the Village’s Business-1 District and to add a definition of Outdoor Recreation Facility to Chapter 98-6 9.
Another resolution that the Board adopted declared the Village of Pelham Board of Trustees Lead Agency and issued a Negative Declaration for the North Pelham Watershed Flood Mitigation Project 12.
Under Section 204 of Eminent Domain Procedure Law 13, the Board adopted the Determination and Findings of the Village of Pelham North Pelham Watershed Flood Mitigation Project – Condemnation of the Property Designated on the Town of Pelham Tax Map as Section 158.84, Block 2, Lot 62, commonly known as Julianne’s Playground, 6th Street, Pelham. Once the Flood Mitigation Project is complete, the Village intends to restore the playground to its current use in the same or better condition. Upon completion of the above-ground pump station, the Village will build a structure around the pumps to ensure that the playground remains aesthetically pleasing and will build restrooms in the structure, enabling residents and members of the public using the playground to be able to enjoy the restored property thoroughly.
Additionally, the Board then voted to award Contract # 2024-02 for Alterations to the existing parking garage at Third Street and Sixth Avenue.
Finally, the Board adopted a resolution appointing a new crossing guard, Elizabeth Tellez of New Rochelle.