Police Blotter
By Joyce Farrell
Police responded to a complaint of a white SUV illegally parked on the curb on the 400 block of First Avenue. The vehicle had two parking summonses, both for overnight parking violations. Upon checking the registration, the police confirmed that the vehicle had been stolen from New Rochelle, and the vehicle was then impounded and reported found.
August 28, 2023 – FRAUD
A local business reported that two checks it placed in its outgoing mail bin on 08/05/23 at its reception desk, that were believed to have been picked up by the mail carrier, were not received by their intended recipients. The first one, for $83,601.75, was cashed on 8/22/23 by an unknown person at an unknown bank. An attempt to cash the second one, which was in the amount of $2,000.57, failed as the local business owner was able to contact the bank and cancel that check before it was cashed. The business owner filed a report with the local post office, and the Detective Division was notified and will follow up.
A woman reported her uncle, a heavy-set Hispanic man with salt and pepper hair, missing. He was last seen wearing a black polo shirt, blue floral shorts, sandals, and a watch walking from his residence northbound on Pelhamdale Avenue towards Eastchester between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m. Due to a past brain injury, he has the mindset of a child. A missing person alert has been issued, and all hospitals in the area have been notified. As of August 29, the investigation is ongoing. Anyone with information should contact the Pelham Police Department.
August 26, 2023 – AIDED CASE
Police responded to a possible overdose but found the victim lying on a couch; the victim was alert and breathing. Police noticed the odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from the victim and called for medical assistance. The victim was taken by ambulance to Westchester Medical Center for further medical evaluation.
August 22, 2023 – AIDED CASE
Police responded to a report of a woman who had difficulty breathing. The victim’s son notified the police that her difficulty in breathing felt different from other times. She was administered oxygen at the scene and then taken to the New Rochelle Hospital for further evaluation.
August 22, 2023 – POLICE MATTERS
Police officer reported that police have been receiving threatening phone calls from area code 929. The police officer advised that the man, who had a strong Italian accent, said, “How can you protect those guinea mobsters?” and “The police had better watch their backs.” No further calls from the unknown male have been reported.
A woman reported to the police that had she received a phone call from a young woman who referred to her as “Mom.” The caller was crying and stated that she had been in a car accident. Before the complainant could confirm that the caller was one of her two daughters, the caller handed the phone to a man who claimed to be a police officer. The complainant continued to ask questions, and the parties at the other end of the line hung up.