
Spaces Still Available in Summer Recreation Clinics and Tickets for the September Library Fundraiser are On Sale

By Joyce Farrell

At the Town of Pelham Board meeting on July 8, Deputy Supervisor Rae Szymanski gave an EMS report. She mentioned that she attended the Seniors meeting on June 24, which included an EMS presentation. Topics such as how to call emergency services from a cell phone vs. a landline were covered and questions such as whether or not someone can be taken to a specific hospital were answered.

Deputy Supervisor Szymanski then reported that in June, the average time for response was under five minutes, the average time on the scene was eighteen minutes, the average time for transport was just under thirteen minutes, and the turnaround was twenty-seven minutes. She also stated that in June, the Village of Pelham had fifty-two emergency calls, the Village of Pelham Manor had forty-five, there were two on I-95, nine on the Hutchinson River Parkway, and a few random calls from Bronxville and New Rochelle. 

Councilwoman Kara McLoughlin stated that summer camps are up and running. Although registration is full for the day camps, the clinics still have some spaces available. Those interested should visit to register for a clinic. Summer concerts have also begun, and the Recreation Department will soon start preparing the fall programs. 

Councilwoman Kristen Burke reminded all that the courts are closed for two weeks in August. She also informed the Board that Westchester County is trying to obtain a Climate Smart/CAPI Grant and is looking for communities to participate by benchmarking their buildings, something that Pelham is already doing. Such benchmarking gives the Town an idea of when upgrades should be made, and though the Town wouldn’t receive money from the Grant, the Town would be provided with expertise in ways to be more sustainable and energy efficient. Councilwoman Burke also mentioned that there is a huge state mobility grant, the application for which is due in September. Councilwoman McLoughlin suggested that Councilwoman Burke speak with someone in New Rochelle to see how well their electric shuttle service is doing. 

Councilwoman Maura Curtin informed the Board that there will be a library fundraiser in September and that tickets have gone on sale for it. For more information, call the library at 914-738-1234. 

During his report, Town Supervisor Dan McLaughlin asked the Board if they wanted to enforce the No Ball Playing signs due to complaints of kids doing so in areas where it’s not permitted. Some have also damaged the gazebo. The Board voted to enforce the prohibition. Supervisor McLaughlin also suggested that the Town investigate the possibility of getting a grant writer as there is a lot of grant money available. All on the Board were amenable to the idea. Councilwoman Curtin suggested that a master plan be created to incorporate all of the ideas for the long-term vision of the town.