
Candidate Endorsements

Dear Editor,

We write to whole-heartedly endorse the re-election of Deputy Mayor and Police Commissioner Breda Bennett and Trustee and DPW Commissioner Maurice Owen-Michaane.

Like many couples, we are registered in different political parties; I am a life-long Democrat, and my husband Gary a registered Republican. It has meant some lively conversations around the dinner table over the years. But one thing we have always agreed on is that the Manor Village election is about local issues, not national politics –and that the two should not be confused.  Our local elected officials should be selected based not on party affiliation, but whether the candidates have a record of demonstrated competency, applicable skills, trustworthiness and a detailed knowledge of the community.  After all, we depend on our elected officials to look out for the best interests of our families on a wide variety of critical issues – financial, safety, environmental and local harmony.

These are the very reasons why it is important to both of us that we keep the current, proven team of leaders in place. Breda and Maurice are devoted to keeping Pelham Manor the special place we all know it to be. We know they are of the highest integrity, with an incredible depth of knowledge and skills on the issues that matter most to running a small village bordering one of the largest cities in the world. They lead with impressive competence, calm and seemingly endless energy — and community spirit. The services in our Village are second to none, and it is because of the hard work of Breda and Maurice, along with Mayor Lapey and the other Board members, that we can say that.  

Gary and I are taking the time to write this letter because we believe in the leadership of our current elected officials. Their proven record of responsible financial management of our tax dollars has maintained and enhanced the quality of life in our Village. Let’s keep our Village government focused on our local issues, which Breda and Maurice do. 

We fully support their re-election. Please join us in voting to re-elect Deputy Mayor and Police Commissioner Breda Bennett and Trustee and DPW Commissioner Maurice Owen-Michaane on March 19th. 

Joan and Gary Friedman                      953 Peace Street


Dear Editor:

We are writing to support the re-election of Deputy Mayor and Police Commissioner Breda Bennett and Trustee and DPW Commissioner Maurice Owen Michaane.  They are both tireless advocates for the residents of this Village, and we could not be in better hands.

Breda and Maurice have always proven themselves to be competent, efficient, caring and forward thinking. They are hard-working and really care about the quality of life in the Village. You just have to make a phone call to either one of them about an issue or a topic, and you will get answers—and much more importantly—you will get RESULTS.

Breda and Maurice have a vast knowledge of the Village and our local government.  Their experience is worth its weight in gold. They have taken care of so many issues in a responsible manner.  They get results, and they are well thought out results.  They make sure they get all their information and consult with everyone necessary to put the best solution forward.

What we appreciate most of all about Breda and Maurice is that they are fiscally responsible stewards of our village.  While we enjoy the very best and responsive police, fire, DPW and administrative services, we are in excellent financial shape.  We are so impressed with all the services we receive and all the work that gets done, such as the paving of Boston Post Road, and yet, we carry NO debt.  This is a credit to their leadership.

We support Breda and Maurice for re-election and encourage you to do so also.  They are hard-working individuals who really care for this Village.

They provide financially sound leadership while maintaining the top level of services.

Join us in voting for Breda and Maurice on March 19.


Mary and Joe Curto

1014 Esplanade


Dear Editor,

As a concerned member of our community, and a registered Democrat, I feel compelled to express my support for the reelection of our current trustees who have consistently demonstrated exemplary dedication and service to our community, irrespective of political affiliation.

Breda and Maurice stand out for their steadfast commitment to serving the best interests of all residents.

Their focus on pragmatic solutions, fiscal responsibility, and community engagement has yielded tangible results that have positively impacted the lives of countless residents.

Furthermore, their track record of transparency and accountability speaks volumes about their commitment to upholding the principles of good governance. They have consistently welcomed input from residents, listened to their concerns, and worked tirelessly to address them in a fair and equitable manner.

In conclusion, I urge my fellow residents to join me in supporting the reelection of our trustees who have demonstrated time and again their dedication to serving our community with integrity and diligence. Our community continues to thrive under the leadership of Breda and Maurice, who have proven themselves worthy of our trust.


Sue Cirillo

980 Peace Street

Pelham Manor, NY 10803


Dear Editor, 

As a proud member of our Pelham Manor community, I am thrilled to endorse two exceptional candidates for re-election as Village of Pelham Manor Trustees: Bridget “Breda” Bennett and Maurice Owen-Michaane. I’ve known and worked with both of them for many years and truly believe their dedication, experience, proven track record of accomplishments and delivering results make them the brilliant leaders to continue steering our village toward a prosperous future.

What truly sets Breda and Maurice apart is their unwavering commitment to our community and their proven ability to get things done. They have a total of 11 children between them and understand firsthand the importance of building a village where families can thrive.

Their involvement in countless community initiatives demonstrates their genuine passion for making our village a better place for everyone. I’ve had the pleasure of serving and working with both of them on various projects and community organizations. Breda is a cherished friend and neighbor. Her active involvement over the past 30 years in Pelham in various community organizations, such as Pelham PACT (parents and children together), Prospect Hill Site Based Council, Pelham Girl Scout Leader, Pelham Little League, Pelham Recreation and Pelham Booster Club as well as many others exemplify her commitment to supporting our Village. Maurice is a wonderful and dedicated father of 5 and has served as the Pelham Civics gala chair, Boy Scout leader, and truly embodies the spirit of service and community involvement.

When it comes to effectively managing our Village, experience is so important. Breda and Maurice bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise, ensuring that our Village remains fiscally sound while maintaining robust reserves.  When it comes to village services a few of their many accomplishments include initiating a village wide drain assessment, navigating complex solutions for village drainage, and preserving our weekly two-day sanitation service.  Breda and Maurice have consistently delivered results that directly benefit us all & we can count on their insights for both short-term and long-term needs.

Their personal connections and efforts to enhance the fabric of our community make them exemplary leaders, trusted neighbors and friends.

On March 19, 2024 I encourage you to cast your vote to Re-Elect Bridget “Breda” Bennett and Maurice Owen-Michaane for Village of Pelham Manor Trustee. Breda and Maurice have proven themselves to be exceptional leaders, dedicated to serving the best interests of our community and I believe their continued leadership will ensure a bright and prosperous future for the Pelham Manor community.

With Warm Regards,

Stephanie Courtien Royce

1016 Clay Avenue

Pelham Manor, NY 10803