Three Ways for Pelham Manor Residents to Vote in Upcoming March 19 Election
Election season is here again for the residents of Pelham Manor. On March 19, 2024 Pelham Manor will hold an election for two Village Trustees. (The Village of Pelham holds its Trustee election in November.)
Changes in New York law mean that, for the first time, there are three ways for voters to participate in this election.
* In person: You may vote in person on March 19, from 6:00 am to 9:00 pm, at the Pelham Manor Firehouse, 4 Penfield Place.
* By mail: Under a new NY law, any registered Pelham Manor voter may apply for an early mail ballot. Application forms can be found on the Village of Pelham Manor website, https://www.pelhammanor.org/257/Village-Election. An early mail ballot allows you to vote by mail – even if you will be in the Manor on election day.
* By absentee ballot: If you won’t be here on election day, or have a temporary or permanent illness or disability (or meet certain other criteria), you may vote by absentee ballot. Application forms can be found on the Village of Pelham Manor website, https://www.pelhammanor.org/257/Village-Election.
To be eligible to vote, a person must be a resident of Pelham Manor for a minimum of 30 days preceding the election and be registered to vote. “Residence” means “that place where a person maintains a fixed, permanent and principal home and to which he, wherever temporarily located, always intends to return.” As explained in new guidance issued by the state:
“The crucial factor in determining if an individual is qualified to register and vote from a particular residence is whether he or she has manifested an intent to adopt that residence as a permanent and principal home coupled by his or her physical presence there ‘without any aura of sham.’”
Thus, for example, a voter who grew up in Pelham Manor but has now moved out and established a principal home elsewhere, is no longer a resident eligible to vote in Manor elections. On the other hand, college students and those serving in the military can still vote in the Manor. And a voter who lives in two places may under some circumstances choose one (but not both) as his voting residence (see 2023 Election Law Update from the New York State Board of Elections.)
Want to register to vote? Register by March 8 to participate in the March 19 Pelham Manor election. Go to https://www.elections.ny.gov/OnlineVoterReg.html.
Want to check your registration status? Go to https://voterlookup.elections.ny.gov/.
Mark your calendar now for all the important elections this year:
March 19, Village of Pelham Manor Trustee Election
April 2, Presidential Primary Election (early voting begins March 23)
May 21, Pelham School District Budget Vote and School Board Election
November 5, Presidential, State, Town, and Village of Pelham Elections (early voting begins October 26)
Check and bookmark our website, pelhamnydemocrats.org, for ongoing information on local candidates, issues, elections and events. Thank you for voting!