
Three Police Officers Appointed and Two Police Officers Promoted to Sergeant

By Joyce Farrell

At the December 17 meeting of the Village of Pelham Board of Trustees, Trustee Theresa Mohan announced that the fire department has moved into the new municipal building. She also reported that there were recently two structural fires in Pelham. She then stated that with the winter weather now upon us, Fire Chief Robert Benkwitt would like to remind everyone to check their boilers, chimneys, and fireplaces, all of which should be checked at least one a year, and to make sure that they have carbon monoxide detectors on every floor of their homes. 

Regarding communications, Trustee Russell Solomon mentioned that if anyone has any questions about services or anything else, they should send an email to or to any of the trustees.

Village Administrator Chris Scelza reported that fall leaf collection has concluded, there is no organic pickup between December 16 and March 14, nor is any use of gas-powered leaf blowers permitted between those dates, and curbside Christmas tree pickup will begin on December 26 and run through January 31. Also, the 2025 sanitation calendar is being updated and will be posted on the Village’s website in pdf format. 

Mayor Chase Mullen then congratulated Jim Lofgren on being the new President of the Chamber of Commerce and commended all Village employees for the excellent work that they do.

The Board considered a site plan amendment requested by 139 Fifth Avenue. It would allow the use of ground floor space that was previously set aside as non-commercial space to be used by the owners of Sergio’s for restaurant space. The Planning Board had already unanimously approved the amendment, and the Board of Trustees approved as well.

Due to turnover in the Police Department, the Board then confirmed Mayor Mullen’s appointment of three officers, effective December 23, for a probationary period of one year. They are Christian Cacace of Larchmont to the position of Police Officer (3rd Grade), Jonathan Reilly of Pelham Manor to the position of Police Officer (4th Grade), and Nicholas Mauro of Yonkers to the position of Police Officer (2nd Grade). The Board then confirmed the Mayor’s promotional appointment of both Vincent Ripulone of New Rochelle and Brian Burrell of Yonkers to the position of Police Sergeant also for a probationary period of one year.

Next, the Board passed several Bond resolutions authorizing the issuance of serial bonds to finance the costs of several projects, including any applicable equipment, machinery, apparatus, land or rights-in-land necessary and any preliminary and incidental costs related to the projects. The first authorization was for the acquisition, construction, and reconstruction of parking lot improvements for the Village at a total cost not to exceed $1,325,000. The second was for the acquisition, construction, and reconstruction of flood mitigation improvements for the Village (North Pelham Project) at a total cost not to exceed $2,831,200. The third was for the acquisition, construction, and reconstruction of flood mitigation improvements for the Village (Highbrook Avenue Project at a total cost not to exceed $955,000. The fourth was for the acquisition of a payloader for the Village, at a cost not to exceed  $255,000. The last one was for the acquisition, construction, and reconstruction of improvements to the Village Municipal Center. at a total cost not to exceed $875,000. 

Finally, the Board passed a resolution authorizing Mayor Mullen, Deputy Mayor Michael Carpenter, and Trustees Mohan and Solomon to attend the 2025 Winter Legislative Meeting of NYCOM (New York State Conference of Mayors and Municipal Officials) at the Marriott Albany on behalf of the Village of Pelham from Sunday, February 2 to Tuesday, February 4. The cost of the meeting, including travel, hotel and registration fees, will be covered by the Village.