
Pelham Seniors Monthly Birthday Party

Every month we celebrate the birthdays of the month with a cake and song.  It is one of the ways to say thank you from our club and how much we all wish you a healthy year.  Then we do continue our Monday meeting with the upcoming events.  Our monthly casino trip is Ballys Atlantic City August 14th.  $50.  There is an air show that day too.  Everyone invited.

 The Pelham Seniors have been doing so much more this season than before.   They would like to thank the Pelham Civics again for another luncheon held on Monday, July, 22nd.  The Civics have been a great supporter of their Association and have been helping them have more free events.  They have become a great asset to Pelham Seniors.  

In addition to their regular Monday meetings, they now have Wednesday Social time.  Come join them; chat or play a game.  Once a month they have a trip to Arthur Ave.  The van takes them and picks them up. They enjoy lunch and shop; a great way to spend the day.  

Their monthly casino trip is also doing great.  They are going to Atlantic City on August 14th.  On September 11, they will be going to WindCreek Casino.  To secure a seat contact Ann at 914-564-5877.  

As always the Pelham Seniors invite new members to join.  55+ and a Pelham resident is all you need.  Come join them.  New members, new ideas.